Power of broke
The Power Of Broke Summary 1-Sentence-Summary: The Power Of Broke shows you how to leverage having no money into an advantage in business by compensating it with creativity, passion and authenticity. Favorite quote from the author: When I first saw Shark tank, I had no idea who any of the sharks were. The first I learned about was mark cuban . Then followed Barbara Corcoran. Finally, last year, I got wind of a book called The Power Of Broke and guess who the author is? Daymond John, yet another shark, and that’s when I learned how he made his money. FUBU, short for “for us, by us” was one of the first fashion brands targeted at the black community and is now worth $6 billion. But it started on $40. Daymond used the money to buy some cotton and cloth and knit an overpriced, but cool hat he’d seen. When his first good sales day came a few months later, he sold 80 hats for $10 a piece – and promptly lost the money, because he crashed into another car whil...