Sell or Be Sold summary
Sell or Be Sold – Grant Cardone The past couple of weeks I’ve been reading Sell or Be Sold. What an awesome book. It’s like listening to one of Grant’s speeches, written exactly how he’d say things. The book is full of golden nuggets and practical tips. The summary turned out a bit longer than expected, but there’s just so much of important information in this book! 1 Selling – A Way of Life Selling: “The action of persuading or influencing another to a course of action or to the acceptance of something. The degree to which you can influence the outcome of events in your life is the determining factor of your success. Those individuals who don’t want to trust their fate to pleading, wishing, praying and hoping must learn to persuade, convince, and negotiate successfully. Every time you get your way, you’ve just been paid a commission. Selling is about life, and every area of life involves selling. The more consistently you can win at selling, the more commissions you’ll get rewarded in...