Sell or Be Sold summary

Sell or Be Sold – Grant Cardone

The past couple of weeks I’ve been reading Sell or Be Sold. What an awesome book. It’s like listening to one of Grant’s speeches, written exactly how he’d say things. The book is full of golden nuggets and practical tips. The summary turned out a bit longer than expected, but there’s just so much of important information in this book!

1 Selling – A Way of Life

Selling: “The action of persuading or influencing another to a course of action or to the acceptance of something.

The degree to which you can influence the outcome of events in your life is the determining factor of your success. Those individuals who don’t want to trust their fate to pleading, wishing, praying and hoping must learn to persuade, convince, and negotiate successfully.

Every time you get your way, you’ve just been paid a commission. Selling is about life, and every area of life involves selling. The more consistently you can win at selling, the more commissions you’ll get rewarded in life!

Beware of false data. People tend to form opinions, give advice, and pass on myths when they don’t actually have any personal experience. Much of the data they pass along hasn’t been fully inspected for truth even though it’s been passed on as truth.

2 Salespeople Make the World Go Around

The problem is that so-called “real” jobs didn’t appear to pay “real” money. The success in life is utterly dependent on one skill more than any other, and that skill is selling. Every person, no matter what his profession is, relies on selling.

No person will ever gain true power and stature in the world without the ability to persuade others. The ability to communicate and convince others is an asset for you. No matter what your ambitions are, you are required to communicate with others, and the better you can communicate, the more people will agree with you. The more you get others to agree with you, the more you can have your way in life. The more you get your way in life, the more you will enjoy life.

3 Professional or Amateur?

Even if selling is not your career, you should be a professional seller to get more out of life. Quit thinking that it’s up to fate or the gods. It’s up to you. You will have to shift your thinking to understand that your very life and every dream you have ever had depend solely on your ability to sell. If you aren’t getting your way, then quit making excuses. Decide now to learn everything there is to know about the only secret to success – sales.

The person who knows what he’s doing and understands every nuance of his career doesn’t have to get enthusiastic, he is enthusiastic. When you really, truly know something, you can predict outcomes. He who can predict outcomes has true confidence and freedom.

4 The Greats

The first and most important step to become one of the greats, is to commit all the way. Commit: “To devote oneself completely to something.”

Commit and be done with it. Committing is when you make a firm decision, you quit wondering, and then you follow through on your commitment with actions.

Be able to predict what a prospect would say. More important, be prepared to handle him. If you know, you’ll have control. To know is critical to success, as knowledge equals power in life. To know means you end up with fewer noes. Fewer noes means a better life.

By studying and reflecting on yourself you can find out what to day and how to act. After that you can predict responses.

5 The Most Important Sale

In order to become a great salesperson, you have to sell yourself on what you’re selling. Make. This the most important sale of your life and continue making that sale over and over to yourself. You have to sell yourself completely! You have to 100% believe in your own product or service to be able to sell it for its price.

Conviction is the ability to be so firmly sold on your beliefs that you demonstrate to your buyer with such complete and utter certainty that no other choices appear to be available.

While it’s u fortunately promoted in our society to be reasonable and sensible, these characteristics will not serve you in sales or in life. If you really want something great to happen, you’ve got to be unreasonable, even if it means convincing yourself beyond reason that what you have is better.

By owning the product you’re selling, you’re demonstrating your certainty to others by your actions, and actions do speak louder than words. Put your money where your mouth is.

Never hire a salesperson if he isn’t willing to buy and use the products himself. (vegetarian waitress in steakhouse). Closing the deal will be easier when you’ve already made the same purchase, you’re asking your prospect to make. Your personal conviction and believability will take your career to new heights when you’re fully sold. Buy the product yourself and you’ll become a miracle closer.

6 The Price Myth

If the price gets too cheap, people won’t see any value in the product. Price is almost never the issue for buyers. The real issue is love and confidence. If the buyer is 100% confident that he gets what he wants, he’ll buy it regardless of price. Discovering what he’s trying to accomplish and demonstrating how your product solves his problem is the essence of how you close the deal.

Regardless of what it is you have, it almost never comes down to just price. To the degree that you understand this, you will be successful.

When a customer says the product is too expensive, move him up rather than down in inventory. Show something more expensive that’s a better solution to what he’s looking for. Now you know the first product was a wrong choice because he’s now looking at something more expensive. Or he needs to move in the other direction with something that costs less. Exhaust your inventory, not your price!

Every consumer had made mistakes before. Not buying is the fear of repeating a mistake, it is not the fear of spending the money. The buyer would rather pay more to make the right decision than pay less and make a mistake.

Price is not the problem – you are the problem! Give the prospect a product that he loves or a service that solves his problem and you’ll get the close once he has full confidence in the product or service and you.

“While I agree it’s a lot of money for a gift, there’s no shortage of money on this planet. But there is a shortage of people who’ve found the love of their life and who know how to show appreciation for that person. Be grateful you’ve got someone to love. Now, how would you like to handle this?”

7 Your Buyer’s Money

Get over the idea that there’s a scarcity of money because there isn’t! There’s plenty of money to go around. If you start looking for prosperity and abundance, you’ll see that these things exist all around you.

Second money is easier to get than first money. Once the flow begins, the buyer becomes more open to making more purchases. Everyone wants to know they’re doing the right thing, and the other-purchase phenomenon supports their actions and gives them the reassurance that what they did earlier was correct.

People like to spend. People like to show off. People like to brag. All a salesperson has to do to unluck the door of second money is to ask for it.

8 You Are in The People Business

Certainly, you need product knowledge. You have to know the benefits of the product and how it compares to others, but first and foremost you need to understand people and what they want before you can sell the product or show someone the benefits of it.

Learn to think like customers think. Products do not think, feel or react. People do.

Never consider you’re selling a product, but consider that you’re helping a person make the right decision. You do best when you’re interested in the individual – the “human being” 2ho wants to enjoy life and solve a problem by buying your product. Take interest in the client instead of interest in selling him something.

Be more interested in the customer than you are in yourself, your sales process, your product, or your commission and you will make more sales.

Communication = Sales. “A process in which information is exchanged between individuals through symbols or behavior.”

Ask a lot of questions to discover the needs of the buyer:

  • What do you want this product to do that your present one didn’t do?
  • What would your present product have to do so that you would be satisfied with it?
  • On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate what you are using/own right now?
  • What would make it a ten?
  • You are asking questions to find out more about how to help the human being in front of you.

People are senior to products and processes. Do what you can to serve to people and don’t stick to company processes. Processes put in place without considering the effect on the customer will inevitably be ineffective and destructive.

9 The Magic of Agreement

Always agree with the customer. If you want agreement, you have to be agreeable with the customer. Don’t be confused with “the customer is always right”, because he’s not. Right or wrong, agree with the customer.

It only takes one to agree. Once one opposing party agrees, there’s no longer any disagreement.

If the customer thinks he should wait and think about it, agree with him. Once agreed, explain that thinking will not change the fact that this is the right product, that he can afford the product, and that by making his decision now, he can shift his attention to all other things he has to think about.

Agree, acknowledge, make the other party right, and then close the deal!

When a prospect is giving you only a short amount of time, respond “the time you’re offering me is more than enough”. By first agreeing with them, you can then move on with your presentation. Nothing will soften a buyer more than an agreeable salesperson.

–> “You are right!”

10 Establishing Trust

It’s critical that you’re aware of the buyer’s lack of trust and that you tackle it. If you don’t recognize how buyers think and what cusses them to respond and act, you’ll be unable to take full responsibility and will never reach full potential.

People are run by minds. Understand the mind and you understand people. The salesperson must assume responsibility for himself, the prospect and all that occurs. “I’m not buying today.” “Sir, if you don’t buy anything today, it’ll be my fault, not yours.” “Great, let me tell you what I’m looking for.”

Understand the buyer’s distrust, accept full responsibility for it, and never take it personal. Assume that the buyer doesn’t trust a single word you’re saying. Build credibility by providing everything you say in writing or support it with printed materials.

People believe what they see, not what they hear. If it’s in writing, it becomes more real to him.

Assume that your buyer never believes your words and will only believe that which you are able to show.

It’s okay to sell with emotion, but you want to close with logic.

11 Give, Give, Give

Selling is the art of giving, not getting. Serving, not selling. The rue essence of selling is not just getting the sale, but the sincere desire to help. A spiritually aware person will ultimately be a better salesperson than someone who’s just interested in compensation. Serve by giving options and always over serve.

Don’t wait for the client to ask, predict what he needs and offer it!

For a business to survive and prosper it had to serve and help people, not just sell products. That means taking care of customers and going beyond their expectations.

Price is not the solution. It never is and never will be. Service is the solution.

Tip: Problem = Opportunities for Future Sales.

People want attention. Give them attention!

12 Hard Sell

Be willing to get to that hard place in the close where everyone gets a bit uncomfortable. Stay in the deal and persist through to the close.

“You’re pressuring me.” “Sir, you’re confusing my belief and passion in knowing this is the right product for you and your company with pressure. Please don’t misinterpret my enthusiasm for pressure. Now, let’s do this.”

“No, I already donated all my donations for this year!” “Now, the only reason you’re acting like this is you know you haven’t done enough.”

Truly believe that your product will somehow bring the buyer more enjoyment, benefit or security, than the numbers he has in the bank.

Stay in the close no matter what happens. Be armed with ways to handle stalls, emotional reactions, and objections.

Practice handling objections.

Standing is for walking. Sitting is for closing. Sit your customer down and get your buyer in a position to be closed. “Sit right here, sir, and let me SHOW you the facts about this product.” sit down and write down the facts and figures in order to close the deal.

13 Massive Action

The amount of success you have is limited by the amount of action you take. Stay away from people who tell you to stop working so hard and suggest that you should relax and take it easy. You can take it easy once you’ve made is. For now, take action, and take it in massive quantities!

To become president in your field, you will have to be out of balance, totally focused, and dedicated, following up with tremendous amounts of action.

“Go big or go home!” “Go massive, not passive!”

Massive Action = New Problems –> Managing your abundance of X.

By taking massive actions, things will change. People will come to see what you’re doing. It’s the stairway to heaven. You will be rewarded with trophies, trips and rewards. Your competition will praise you with criticism and tell you to slow down. This is sign you’re on the right track! Just continue to add wood to the fire. Anyone who tells you that you’re working too hard, isn’t working hard enough. Those are mediocre people who have given up on their dreams.

The 10X rule: If you want one thing, take massive action equal to at least 10 times what you think it will take to ensure that you attain that one thing.

14 The Power Base

Salespeople wait for people they don’t know, and even call people they don’t know, while completely ignoring their known lines of influence. Your bower base includes: friends, family members, associates at past jobs, past employers, current and former clients, members of clubs, neighbors, members of organizations etc.

Contact them, let them know what you’re up to, and make an appointment to meet up. The purpose is not to sell them. The purpose is to get in contact and restore your power base. Forget the past and build on a new future. If you love your product and fully believe in it, then love. Your power base enough to let them know what you’ve got. Someone is going to sell them, why not you.

Send out random birthday cards. They’ll call you informing you that you have the wrong date. “I know that, but I didn’t know what your actual birthday was, and I thought I’d just take a chance at being right.”

You have to get creative about contacting people. A little imagination combined with massive action goes a long way. Don’t ever worry about making a mistake.

Existing customers are the easiest sale to make. Always prefer them over brand-new prospects.

Problems are opportunities. Solve the problem and you’ll get an even better customer.

15 Time

It’s a lie when you tell yourself that you don’t have enough time. You have the same amount of time as everyone else. You just aren’t using it efficiently. He who makes the most of his time will accomplish the most. You are controlling time and time is not controlling you. Become a master of the clock, not a slave to it.

Never sit together at the same table with your sales partner. Sit at different tables and double your exposure.

Go to restaurants where your clientele comes to meet new people. Go out, be seen, mix it up and put yourself in the game.

16 Attitude

People want to feel good. There will always be a market for products that make people feel good, but a person who can make someone feel good can sell almost anything! The individual who combines a great attitude with a great product becomes unstoppable! A positive attitude is a thousand times more important than the product itself. Why do people spend 10% on necessities and 90% on entertainment? Because they want to feel good. When you are positive, people will find you irresistible.

When you have the ability to change people’s attitudes in a positive way and make them feel better than they did before meeting you, you’ll no longer need to rely on your product being superior.

  • Avoid newspapers, television and radio.
  • Stay away from “can’t do” people.
  • Surround yourself with winning people.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol.
  • Avoid hospitals and doctors.
  • Treat negative talk like garbage.
  • Start the negativity diet today.

17 The Biggest Sale of My Life

“It takes two” If the sale is meant to be, it is up to you. Buyers don’t buy until someone sells.

It doesn’t take two, it only takes one. Get sold on the product. Come up with an action plan. Call every few weeks until you’re able to get into communication. Never stop of a little rejection. Remind yourself that your product is good and your mission is great!

When she says you’re not her type. That could just be a complaint. Not an objection. Find out what interests her, not you. Show your love for her and put it all out there regardless of her response to you.

18 The Perfect Sales Process

Since the last 50 years, buyers have changed. They want the process to be short and simple. Buyers don’t have a lot of time nowadays.

The sales process is finding out the following about the buyer:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you want?
  • Why do you want it?
  • What do I have that will fulfil your wants and needs?
  • How do I show it to you so that you can make sense of it, make an offer that can be funded, and then close, deliver and follow up in the hope to repeat the process with you and others?
  • You need to get rid of anything for the sake of speed and simplicity.
  • Sales processes should be built to satisfy in the following order: Customer, salesperson, manager.


The 5 most crucial steps in every sales situation:

  1. Greet
  2. Determine wants and needs
  3. Select product and present / Build Value
  4. Make proposal
  5. Close the transaction or buyer exits


“Welcome. Thanks for coming here. What can I get you information on?”

“Hello. Thanks for taking the time to see me today. Tell me, what homework have you done thus far so I don’t duplicate your efforts?”

“Great to see you today, and thanks for your time. What information can I provide you with to make the best use of your time?”

Determine wants and needs

The fastest way to do this is to fact find on previous purchases. Know what products to show your client. Know how to present the product in a manner that will build value in that presentation and cause the person to want to act.

When determining wants and needs, you are not selling. You are asking and listening. You will be using this information to make sense of and close on your proposal. All purchases are trying to solve a problem of some sort.

Select product and present / build value

Select the product for your clients rather than allowing them to wander through your inventory and select for themselves. You should present your product based on what your client told you was important. Rather show something he wants than what’s in his budget. If you don’t take your time in step 2, you will waste time in step 3. Focus on those things that are most important to the buyer! Don’t waste your and your buyer’s time and you will increase your changes at making a sale.

Make proposal

Always make a proposal. Even when people are not ready. If you don’t propose, you can never get to an agreement. Always position yourself to present a proposal, and do so within the first 40 minutes after greeting.

Close the deal or exit

First, you must be prepared to close. One hundred percent of your income is a result of closed transactions. Learn how to close!

19 Success in Selling

Treat success as your duty, obligation, and responsibility, not as a choice or as a job.

Are you fulfilling your potential?

Do you approach success as a duty and obligation?

Would more success be bad for you?

Is your entire family on one plan for the creation of success?

Luck will not make you successful. Committing yourself to success completely is the way to be lucky.

It’s common for people who are not succeeding to start justifying why they are not being successful. Some even start to lie to themselves. Sell or be sold! Clearly you aren’t always going to make the sale, but please don’t fail to make one sale and then spend the rest of the afternoon selling yourself lies and excuses about why it wasn’t important or why you weren’t successful.

In order to demand consistent sales success, you have to:

  • Decide you are ultimately responsible for the sale.
  • Make it your duty, obligation, and responsibility to make the sale.
  • Take massive amounts of action, followed by more action until the sale is made!
  • Accept no excuses, reasons, or logic, and figure out how to make it work!
  • Prepare yourself daily to handle all obstacles, stalls, reasons, and barriers you will encounter with a client.

20 Sales-training tips

Train daily. Focus on sales situations, not just motivation.

Training should be used to increase production immediately.

Training should be delivered in short segments of 2-5 minutes.

Training must be measured and rewarded.

Training should focus on the top people in an organization.

Training should be made part of you day and should be accessible throughout the day.

21 Create A Social Media Presence

With increasing numbers of people heading online as their first step to research your company, product, and even your personal information, it is mandatory that you create some type of social media presence. This is not a choice or something you either want to do or don’t want to do, nor is it something you have or don’t have time for: YOU MUST USE SOCIAL MEDIA.

You have to be known, thought about, considered, and hopefully, the first or dominating choice in your clients’ minds in order to ever sell anything to anyone.

Social media is like walking into a bar or party. You may mention business at the party or to the person in the bar, but you are probably more likely to talk about more social things than straight business.

Manage negative social media:

Treat your online reputation like your personal reputation. Handle social media attacks the same way you would a personal attack.

Handle ALL negative posts as opportunities. Personally, contact every customer.

Handle immediately. People will appreciate you making them a priority. “Wow, I saw what you posted online and I wanted to call you right away and see what I could do to handle it. I had no idea. Tell me about what happened. What can I do to resolve it?”

Contact directly. Don’t bring more attention to it by responding publicly. Send a DM or call.

Be proactive. Be on the offense not defense. Create a page full of positive posts and testimonials that will put weight the negative posts.

Know your limitations. Some battles you don’t want to fight.

The ten daily commitments:

I commit to:

  • working my plan every day!
  • a “can do” attitude with every customer!
  • doing whatever it takes!
  • exceeding the expectations of my customers!
  • staying focused on what I want!
  • taking every opportunity all the way!
  • following up on every opportunity!
  • being highly ethical in every area of my life!
  • making changes where necessary!
  • educating myself every day!
  • training every day!
  • doing the right thing!
  • being the most positive person I know!
  • quit making excuses and just make it happen!
  • making my dreams come true by my actions!

22 Quick Tips to Conquer the Biggest Challenges in Selling


Rejection is experienced by those unwilling to be responsible for the outcome. When you’re told no, don’t equate it with rejection. Look at what you could do differently next time to earn their business. How could you be more effective? How could you turn this person into a customer next time?

Negative surroundings

It will be critical to your success to keep your surroundings positive. That includes your physical environment as what goes on between your ears. Negative talk about clients should be against the rules. Negative talk about your product line, the company or management should immediately indicate the person is operating as an enemy of the group.

If people can bring solutions and improvements and all they offer is negativity, they are enemies to you, the company and even themselves.


The single most important factor in any success is the ability to show up day after day and do the right things. The reason discipline is so important is because there are so many random things happening, so the more stability you can personally create, the more secure you will be and the more certain your results.

The Economy

The economy is a source of concern for all organizations. When times are good, it would appear easier to sell. When times are bed, the professional and his skills will win the game. Be prepared for all of them. You can create your own economy rather than being a participant in what everyone else has agreed upon as the economy.


Don’t compete! Dominate with your product, company, personality and your offer. If you aren’t the difference maker, then others will forever outsell you with a cheaper price or better offer. You don’t want to compete, you want to dominate the market. The goal is to provide your clients with so much attention, follow-up and service that you can’t be competed with. Find a way to differentiate yourself. “I can get a better deal from so-and-so.” “Yeah, but I don’t come with that transaction. Sign here, and let’s get on with it.”

Product knowledge 

Regardless of the industry you are in or the product you sell, there will be advances that make your product current and appealing to your client. With that comes the challenge of staying in the know in those improvements. You need to be committed and study up.


The best salespeople are those who are great at following up, staying connected, staying in touch, and using creativity to keep their sold and unsold clients thinking about them. Follow-up requires an undying clarity about your purpose and staying sold on yourself to get it all.


Good organization skills allow you to find things faster, make contact quicker, and hopefully get more done. Organization is critical to be able to later find things, follow up, and identify what you know about a client and where to pick up with that client. Your ability to organize your space, your thinking, your clients, your office, and your own physical environment are important to organizing your success.

Call reluctance

This is the phenomenon whereby an individual creates reasons not to actively and aggressively call on clients. Any time. You aren’t calling on a client, you are participating in some form of call reluctance and comes from not being constantly motivated and trained at your job. When you know what to do, what to say, how to handle objections, get appointments, and handle stalls and other challenges, you will not experience call reluctance.

Fill the pipeline

Keeping the pipeline full at all times is vital to success. You should measure all activities that fill the pipeline: sold, unsold, lost to competitor, orders, not ready to buy until next quarter, referrals, second sales, etc. You don’t want to be dependent on any one thing. Fill it up, keep it full, overrun it if you choose, and never think you have enough of it.

Closing the deal

Closing is getting the buyer to take action and agree to exchange something of value for what it is you offer. Closing requires a tremendous arsenal of techniques, transitions, responses, counters, and strategies.

Calls not returned

Personally, make the effort to return all calls you miss. It’s important to keep the flow of communicating open.

If someone doesn’t call you back, don’t try to calculate what their lack of response means. You don’t know what it means, but what it should mean is that you need to continue to make calls, contacts, emails, or personal visits until you find out what it means! Never bring up unreturned previous calls and never make the client wrong for not calling you back. Get creative. Remember, quitting is not an option, and making the client wrong is just you not taking responsibility.


The great thing about fear is that it isn’t real. The way to kill fear is by taking action. Use fear as an inspiration. As an indicator of things, you have to confront. Taking action on those things you fear is how you build courage. Handling fear is merely a decision. So, start building up this habit of identifying what you fear doing and who you fear calling on, and make those your first actions. 

People’s emotions

When you are faced with a prospect who gets emotional and demonstrates an emotional outburst with you, know that you are getting close to making the sale. Never take it personally, never react to it, and never become emotional, as a response. The key is to stay rational, calm, and collected when others get emotional. Stay in the present, so you can come up with solutions.

Negative connotations of sales

Because of amateurs there’s are negative connotations on the subject of sales. The professional knows that to sell is to serve, and he or she believes so strongly in his product, service, company, and him- or herself that the motives that drive that individual are not just about “getting the commission”, but by truly helping others.

Not having the right response 

Your number one tool is communication. It’s important you know what to say and what to respond. When you don’t know the answer, say “Great question. Let me get that information for you.” Be prepared for every possible question, objection, stall, obstacle, delay, and customer question possible.

Overwhelmed by customer objections

There’s no substitute for being a ninja-assassin closing machine. Literally, you need for drill, drill, drill on your down time. There’s no excuse. Otherwise you will be missing deal unnecessarily. Keep a diary for objections and work out how you would handle similar objections in the future.

Feeling like an idiot

The word “idiot” come from Latin and describes a person who is not educated and not worldly. The degree to which you fear feeling like an idiot is the degree to which you look to others for your self-worth. If you do something idiotic, the best thing you can do is quickly admit it and learn from it so you can move forward the next time. Great men of ability started out as idiots before they learned, practiced, and became great.

Meeting new people

Don’t be thinking small and following a contraction plan. Think big and follow an expansion plan. If you want to meet new people you have to reach way out. Get out among people and be seen. The easiest way to develop a relationship is to visit a place over and over. Start a conversation by asking for something or by mentioning something you see happening. Be interested in others, communicate with everyone, reach out by being seen and making contact, and watch your pipelines start to fill up.

Breaking the ice 

It is your duty to break the ice when establishing a relationship. The more you do it, the more comfortable you become. 1. Approach the prospect. Do not wait for them to approach you. 2. Smile and thank for their time/welcome. 3. Stick out your hand and introduce yourself. Keep your hand out until the person shakes it. It breaks physical boundaries.

Once the communication started, immediately come to your point and don’t waste their time. Take time to find out what their problem is and how you can solve it.

Staying motivated

The number one way to stay motivated is by moving quickly from one activity to the next. It doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty, because you are moving to the next activity. Motivation comes from attention on the future, not from something done in the past. The other thing is to stay away from bad news and doomsayers. Stay positive and keep connected with the people on your team.

Losing business to others

You have two choices when you lose business to others: 1. You can blame someone or something else and be a victim. 2. You can learn from it and win the next one. If you choose the first one, you’re not taking fully responsibility for making the sale. Try choosing path 2. Take a good look what happened and why the competitions product looked superior to yours. This puts you at cause, as you are actually doing something about it instead of crying in your milk like a little bitch.

Lack of consistency

Lack of consistency always boils down to a lack of real discipline. Discipline is part of our everyday lives. It means you have exerted some control over random elements and made something of them. Take control each day and do what’s needed. Create a checklist for yourself and make sure you reach and exceed each target, and then better yourself the next day.


Once you are sold on your product, you know exactly what problems it will solve and who your customers are. Step 1. Leave your fear, reservation, and inhibition at home. Step 2. Look professional. Step 3. Map out several potential clients based on who needs your product or service. Step 4. Just go visit them. Believe in your product and negate your fear by getting into action.

Commission only/no security

Would you rather depend on the board of directors, CEOs, and the social security system for your future survival, or would you rather rely on YOU? Who do you think is more vested in the standard of living of you and your loved ones, the presidents of the banks or you? Your financial success is best trusted to the one person who has the most direct control over it, and that person is you. That is true security.

Long hours

Everybody has the same number of hours in one day. The question is whether you are working for your dreams or working for others’ dreams. If you are truly alive, the captain of your own ship, and working for you and your dreams, then a fourteen-hour day will seem like nothing.

Traits of a great salesman

  • Is willing to be told “no”.
  • Asks for the order regardless.
  • Listens selectively.
  • Stays sold on his own story.
  • Asks questions.
  • Gets answers to questions.
  • Knows that price is not the issue.
  • Is willing to pressure and persist.
  • Believes in selling as a good thing.
  • Trains and prepares constantly.


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