
Showing posts from May 16, 2020

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking – by Allen Carr

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking – by Allen Carr Most books and programs about quitting smoking focus on all of the negatives of continuing to smoke: the extreme health risks, the obscene financial cost, and so on. But the problem is – that doesn’t work! Smokers already know the health risks, but that didn’t make them stop. The other problem is it talks about ‘giving up’ smoking and you’re always feeling like you’re sacrificing something. Instead, Allen Carr speaks from the smoker’s side, as someone who smoked for 33 years and found it hard to quit. He eliminates any excuses a smoker will give for continuing to smoke, and then highlights the benefits of ‘escaping’ from the slavery of the cigarette. Adam Jones’s favorite and most impactful book.   The Easy Way to Stop Smoking “ Wouldn ’ t that be an incredibly stupid thing to do? To say  ‘ I never want to smoke again ’ , then spend the rest of your life saying  ‘ I ’ d l...

If You’re Not First, You’re Last – Book Summary

If You’re Not First, You’re Last – Book Summary This great book by Grant Cardone shows the exact attitude that you need to have and actions that you need to take in order to dominate your field, regardless of the product you sell or service you provide. It is geared towards periods of economic contractions but has also a lot of general information about how to get ahead of your competition and grow your business. Below I outlined the main points that I took from this book. As with any summary, I believe it should be used as a refresher, as a list of guiding points that help remember the contents of the book. To fully understand and apply the following points, it is highly recommended to actually read the book. It does not replace the actual experience of reading the book, nor is it intended to. You can purchase “If You're Not First, You're Last”  "Problems are opportunities, and conquered opportunities equal money earned." 1. Advance and conquer while other...

I Will Teach You to Be Rich Book summary

I Will Teach You to Be Rich Book summary   I Will Teach You to Be Rich  is about how to earn more, save more, and live a Rich Life. Ideas You don’t need to be an expert to get rich… …but you do need to get started early. Spend extravagantly on the things you love and cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t. Use money to design your Rich Life. There’s a limit to how much you can cut, but no limit to how much you can earn. I Will Teach You to Be Rich Summary Invisible scripts are the messages you’ve absorbed from your parents and society that guide your decisions—often without your knowledge. For example, “You’re throwing money away on rent.” “Credit cards are a scam.” “Most of us fall into one of two camps regarding money: We either ignore it and feel guilty, or we obsess over financial details by arguing interest rates and geopolitical risks without taking action. Both options yield the same results—none.” “People love arguing minor points, par...

Total money makeover book summary

The total money makeover book summary  Managing your personal finances is one of the more crucial responsibilities an adult undertakes. Yet, it is one of the subjects nobody really “learns” about. We’re all excited about our first, very own credit card we got in an amazing offer at the freshman fair. Before long, we’ve graduated and completed the rite of passage of being knee deep in debt — both student and card. Next, we get a car loan. Then, we mortgage a house. In a never ending cycle, we just loan it all out, seldom thinking about the seemingly distant future when we’ll have to return the money to the banks.  Why do we do so? Because that’s what we’ve seen our parents do. I’d like to recommend this book  to anyone who’s in college, or in the early years of their career. It’s a very good primer for anyone who wants to take responsibility for their financial lives.  Read on for the main lessons of the book Dave Ramsey tackles the problem at its very core ...